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Daniele Morotti

Graduate with a master's degree in AI

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Daniele Morotti

About Me

Hey there, I'm Daniele! I'm currently diving deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence as a Master's degree student. I love learning about new software technologies and apply them to solve problems and create new projects. I'm currently interested in NLP, Deep Learning and anything related to AI. In my free time, I like to engage in sports 🏃, read books 📖 and play the guitar 🎸.

Professional experience

Diennea - Faenza, Dec 2023 - Present

AI Engineer

- Design, implementation, and maintenance of Artificial Intelligence applications for internal and external clients. Integration of AI functionalities into existing software by collaborating with the respective corporate development teams.
- Preparation, management, and manipulation of data necessary for training and running AI systems in collaboration with the areas/clients that produce them.

Data Reply - Bologna, Apr 2023 - Aug 2023

Data Scientist Intern

- Development of my thesis project, which aimed to process custom data of various types (textual and tabular data) to make them usable by LLMs.
- Throughout this period, I used the OpenAI API and extensively tested numerous open-source language models.
- Conducted fine-tuning experiments and compared their effectiveness with a retrieval augmented generation approach.


- Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Sept 2021 - Oct 2023

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

It's a two-year Master in Artificial Intelligence which provides solid competence and expertise in the founding areas and innovative applications of Artificial Intelligence. Graduated with a final score of 110/110 with honors.

- BSc in Computer Science, Oct 2018 - Jul 2021

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

I made a lot of projects during the degree course and I learnt to work in a team to achieve a common goal and by comparing my ideas with others. Graduated with a final score of 108/110.

- High School Diploma, Sept 2013 - Jul 2018

Liceo Scientifico F. Alberghetti

In the last 2 years of High School I became passionate about Computer Science and I decide to go on studying this topic.


University projects  
counterfactual explanation with OMLT and DiCE

Counterfactual explanations

The work concerns the development of a model combining Machine Learning and Optimization for Counterfactual Explanations using OMLT and DiCE Python packages. We generated counterfactuals considering the GSM Arena dataset.

Source Demo

songs recommendation based on lyrics

Songs recommendation based on lyrics

I first performed an analysis of the lyrics using LSA and other techniques in R. Then I implemented different GNNs, on a narrow subset of songs, that are able to recommend the most similar songs to a given one.


argument retrieval for comparative questions

Argument retrieval for comparative questions

We implemented different pipelines in order to retrieve the most relevant documents, from a subset of ClueWeb12, given some comparative questions. In another task we performed stance classification on these documents.


pos tagging and qa on CoQA

POS tagging & QA

In one assignment we implemented different models for POS tagging, in the other one some models for abstractive QA on CoQA.


vlsi design implementation with different techniques

VLSI Design

We implemented 3 different models for the 'Combinatorial and Decision Making Optimization' exam using CP, SMT and MIP techniques to solve the VLSI design problem.


blind source signal image separation with deep learning model

Blind Image Separation

I implemented a deep learning model, for the 'Deep Learning' exam, that allows to separate 2 mixed images taken from MNIST and FASHION MNIST datasets.


Blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting system

Blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting system

The system has been developed as my graduation project. The aim of the project is to fight and avoid clothing's counterfeit thanks to the use of blockchain technology.


M&M Mistery at the museum

M&M - Mistery at the museum

The aim of the project was to gamify the visit to a museum to entertain children. The project is composed by 3 web applications: Player, Editor and Evaluator.




Twitter-tracker is a web app created for collecting published tweets from around the world and viewing them in various representations. The application was developed using Agile methodologies.


BiKaya OS

BiKaya OS

BiKaya is an educational-purpose, cross-architecture operating system compatible with uARM and uMPS2, two micro ISAs derived from ARM and MIPS, respectively.


Personal projects  
Generic scoreboard

Generic scoreboard

This is a generic scoreboard that you can use for any game you are playing with your friends. You can choose how many points to reach and whether who has more or who has less wins

Source APP Game analysis

Telegram messages checker

Telegram messages checker

A simple script to check if messages containing certain words arrive on your telegram account. A song is played to alert you or to wake you up in case you are waiting for an important message during the night.


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